Upcoming Events

Its crunch time here for Strix Studios! Every member on our team has been working overtime to make sure we hit every deadline from here on out. Personally, I have dove head first into creating the particle systems in Everend. A particle system is a technique in game physics, motion graphics, and computer graphics that uses a large number of very small sprites, 3D models, or other graphic objects to simulate certain kinds of fun phenomena. Some of the particle systems currently in Everend is fire on the pedestals and Kaia’s torch, Kaia’s bubbles, ambient spores, waterfall foam, and a glorious glow (work-in-progress) for if Kaia missteps onto a dangerous area. In the future we plan to implement electricity on the eels, and ambient particles unique to each area.

In addition to official release dates coming soon, we are also preparing for some public events where we will be able to show off our progress. Here is some information about where our game will make appearances around campus.


Every year, Stout hosts the public Stout Game Expo (SGX) where all the UW-Stout Game Design and Development students get to reveal the games they have been working on. The SGX invites you to play 30+ free games at their annual gaming event. The games were created by freshman, sophomore, junior and senior students on platforms ranging from PC and mobile to virtual reality.

This Game Expo is a great opportunity to see the creations of other game designers and show off your own. Plus hundreds of people including friends, family, faculty, and public, show up to see everyone’s progress.

We had the pleasure of announcing Everend at Game Launch last semester, but we are very excited to finally reveal it at this year’s Stout Game Expo.

SGX this year is scheduled for April 27th in the MSC Great Hall from 6 to 9 p.m. We hope to see you there!


Another exciting opportunity we get to participate in is UW-Stouts Senior Shows. UW-Stout’s School of Art and Design will wrap up the semester with several special events May 6, in the Applied Arts Building and adjacent Micheels Hall atrium and Furlong Gallery.

Designs and artwork by 89 graduating seniors will be on display from 7 to 9 p.m. during the annual Senior Shows. Individual and group student work can be seen throughout the Applied Arts Building.

The event is open to the public, with a special showing for industry professionals from 6 to 7 p.m.

Everend will have an awesome themed booth so make sure you come see that as well!

We hope to see you at these really great events, but if you are unable to attend, we will continue to post weekly updates here on our blog site. Also we hope to have an official release date very shortly!

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