Happy Holidays!

Well, we did it, we have finished the first semester of our project! We are very excited that we have finished the semester. We just did a public play testing on the 14th, where the senior game design teams got to have our games played students on campus, who were attracted by the lure of both playing games and free pizza. We laughed, we cried, we broke our games, we found things that were working great, and we found things that made people want to throw the controller through the screen. But hey, that’s what play testing is all about. We had a great turnout and people enjoyed playing the games. As a group, we got a lot of great feedback for Everend from it that we look forward to working on next semester.

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We also made an appearance at the fall game launch here at Stout to show some previews of what we have so far, and are excited to bring our finished game to the Spring Game Launch next semester on April 27 2016 starting at 7 pm. If you are interested in seeing the final project that we have been talking about, meeting Kaia, and helping her find her way out of the caves, then we really look forward to seeing you there! If you cannot make it to that event we will also be showing the game at the senior show on May 6th. We just went to this semester’s senior show to get ideas and what we want to do, and I found a few ideas that I think may be really fun. I hope to see you at one of these events, and I know the others in the group would be happy to see you as well.

Over this entire semester we have worked hard and we feel confident in what we have accomplished. The artists have worked hard and the game looks great. The programmers have helped the art take flight, quite literally in the point of Kaia, and have breathed life into the game. Being a part of this game has made me very happy. I worked on the lighting of the game and with the help of the artists we have given some very interesting light to the game. Over the next semester I will be working closely with the art team to get the lighting to be what we want for the game. Some of us are taking a short break for about a month to relax and unwind during our winterm, the semester that happens between the fall and spring semesters. Some of us will be working hard through that month to get a head start on the next sprint.We all are thankful for those of you who have been following our progress from the very start, and welcome those who are just starting to check out our funny little owl game. Your support means so much to us, thank you for all that you do. Overall I would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays from Strix Studios, we’ll see you again real soon.

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